Strategic PlANNING

Culture Assessment


Rondeau Partners focuses on helping our clients develop a bespoke strategic planning process tailored to their specific circumstances. We then assist the client in establishing a compelling vision of a future state and a comprehensive plan to get there.

“Culture eats Strategy for breakfast” - Edwards Deming
Having the right team, aligned to a common goal and driven by a winning culture are the keys to success in any organization. Rondeau Partners believes you can’t have a successful strategic plan without assessing the company culture and how it aligns and supports the strategic plan.

Acquisitions are exciting, integration is the tough part. Poor integrations often result in failure to achieve the original objectives of the acquisition. Rondeau Partners has extensive experience in post-acquisition integrations that focus on achieving the desired objectives and synergies.

Rondeau Partners specializes in the development and execution of strategic plans for companies in manufacturing industries. We are a small firm focused on strategic planning but we have a large network of resources that can be accessed to provide a broad array of expertise and capabilities to address many business issues and opportunities. 


Acquisitions and Integrations

Culture is often overlooked in the strategic planning process. Culture is a key element of a successful plan and must be aligned to the direction and objectives of the plan. 

Rondeau Partners can help develop a comprehensive strategic plan as well as implement an effective planning process that can be used by our clients during their annual planning cycle.

Rondeau can help during the acquisition and due diligence phases and can provide expertise during the all-important integration efforts. 


Culture Development

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How can Rondeau Partners Help You?

Strategic planning is
a team sport

Rondeau Partners helps our clients develop and execute a winning strategic plan by involving a larger-than-typical group of people from the organization to get better input, buy-in and alignment to the plan.




“We engaged Rondeau Partners to help us develop a new strategic planning process. A key step early in the process was including input from a broad range of our team members. This really created momentum and common goals throughout the organization. My team has a strong feeling of ownership of our plan and is more aligned than ever to achieve our goals.”

Bradley Spencer, President and Chief Operating Officer, Imperial Manufacturing Group