Rondeau Partners specializes in providing strategic planning and development services to companies in manufacturing industries.  While we are a small, client-focussed firm, we have an extensive network of resources we can draw upon to provide a vast array of services and capabilities to meet a wide range of business issues and challenges.


Graham Thayer is the Managing Partner at Rondeau. During his 25+ years in general management roles in both domestic and international environments, Graham has gained extensive experience in all aspects of business management including operations, sales and marketing, team development, innovation and profitable growth.

Graham started his career in technical and operational roles after graduating from the University of Western Ontario in Canada. He quickly moved into general management positions in multinational manufacturing companies and managed global businesses in Europe and North America. He spearheaded several M&A initiatives during his career and has extensive experience in post-acquisition integration activities.

Throughout his career, Graham has been involved in developing and executing strategic plans and has gained significant experience in planning while working for large public companies such as Saint Gobain of France, BPB Industries of the United Kingdom, as well as Masonite International in the United States.

Graham’s approach to strategic planning is to involve a broad range of people from the organization. By soliciting input from a wide range of disciplines and levels in the organization, a more comprehensive and accurate view of the issues and opportunities is obtained from which a more robust plan can be created. As the plan is developed and communicated, the organization will have a clear view of the direction of the company, the specific path to follow and, most importantly, there will be a much higher degree of commitment from the team. 


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